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华约政协主席团委员 朝鲜劳动党中央政治局常委 中央军事委员会副委员长 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国国务委员会副委员长 朝鲜人民军总政治局局长
十月革命勋章 第一枚红旗勋章 第二枚红旗勋章 第一枚劳动红旗勋章 第二枚劳动红旗勋章 第三枚劳动红旗勋章 第一枚红星勋章 第二枚红星勋章 二级卫国战争勋章 朝鲜人民军次帅
级别: 中央常务理事

精华: 0
发帖: 13630
爱心: 1893 点
金钱: 136351 卢布
好评度: 0 点
国籍门派: 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国


顶端 Posted: 2009-11-26 23:37 | 10 楼
捷共中央主席团委员 捷克斯洛伐克社会主义共和国联邦议会主席团主席
十月革命勋章 第一枚劳动红旗勋章 第二枚劳动红旗勋章
级别: 贵宾/顾问/元老

精华: 1
发帖: 2066
爱心: 1272 点
金钱: 3610 卢布
好评度: 0 点
国籍门派: 捷克斯洛伐克社会主义共和国


顶端 Posted: 2009-11-29 11:18 | 11 楼
级别: 劳动者

精华: 0
发帖: 3
爱心: 0 点
金钱: 30 卢布
好评度: 0 点


顶端 Posted: 2009-12-02 17:25 | 12 楼
级别: 朝鲜人民军上校

精华: 0
发帖: 911
爱心: 113 点
金钱: 40 卢布
好评度: 0 点
国籍门派: 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国


有了EXCEL,白学了DBASE,FOXPRO,Lotus 123,十年编程成废纸,不过基础是砼做的

顶端 Posted: 2010-01-16 15:01 | 13 楼
级别: 一等参事

精华: 0
发帖: 281
爱心: 73 点
金钱: 2810 卢布
好评度: 0 点
国籍门派: 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国


这个不洗澡、不刷牙、不洗脸等我相信是真的。 Z10Vx2B  
' P?h?w^T  
我班有个男同学特讲究,买日用品都要精挑细选,经常说:我们寝室买的某某卫生纸不好,灰多……买了一支3元的牙膏,用了之后牙齿痛了,以后牙膏非N元不买……某某肥皂洗了之后身上痒…… p\w<~ pN[  
' k,2*.A  
有此跟他上街,看他买东西的速度太慢,忍无可忍地说:你还要买多久?比女生还磨蹭,你在家里也是这样的吗?我就嫌麻烦,寝室的人用什么我就用什么,家里人用什么我也跟着用…… 7Z< ~{eD,  
他就向我道出了实情,原来他父母都是年纪比较大的农村人,从来不洗头、洗脸、刷牙,他买的吹风机、洗发液等物件都被他父母藏起来了,一瓶大的洗发液几年都用不完……所以才养成了他那种过了头的卫生习惯。 U N9hZ>9  
我听着感觉是天方夜谭。 D<SC `  
顶端 Posted: 2010-01-22 18:24 | 14 楼
华约政协主席团委员 朝鲜劳动党中央政治局常委 中央军事委员会副委员长 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国国务委员会副委员长 朝鲜人民军总政治局局长
十月革命勋章 第一枚红旗勋章 第二枚红旗勋章 第一枚劳动红旗勋章 第二枚劳动红旗勋章 第三枚劳动红旗勋章 第一枚红星勋章 第二枚红星勋章 二级卫国战争勋章 朝鲜人民军次帅
级别: 中央常务理事

精华: 0
发帖: 13630
爱心: 1893 点
金钱: 136351 卢布
好评度: 0 点
国籍门派: 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国


引用第13楼旸姿白云于2010-01-16 15:01发表的  : :{7+[LcH7  
.biq)L e  
顶端 Posted: 2010-01-22 20:47 | 15 楼
级别: 书记员

精华: 0
发帖: 42
爱心: -5 点
金钱: 420 卢布
好评度: 0 点
国籍门派: 苏联


引用第11楼波西米亚于2009-11-29 11:18发表的  : k1Y\g'1  
所谓国民党正规军的德行 C[FHqo9M?H  
令人奇怪却又重要的事实是,当内战打响、八路军撤退并把安阳县几乎全部放弃给国民党时,当地几乎没有人跟共产党一起撤走,相反,他们却留下来欢迎国民党。不但大多数农民留下来了,而且许多当地干部、民兵和妇女会的领导人也留下来了。安阳人告诉我说,他们之所以没有逃避国民党,是因为他们相信八路军所推行的改革,不过是从日本人手中夺得政权的任何中国政府都要推行的改革而已。他们留在家里是为了避免卷入今后的任何一种战争。 d9{lj(2P  
  但是,当国民党军队进村时,那些在日本统治时期当过汉奸和有时干过强盗勾当的土匪兼地主往往跟他们一起进村。这些人很快就当了区长。与此同时,他们的代理人当了村长。他们立即开始对本村的群众搞“反攻倒算”。他们或者亲自下毒手,或者检举某些男女而由国民党军队或特务机构立即处决。正是这种反攻倒算激起了目前这种势不可挡、席卷全国的人民战争。 %" iX3  
  地主十分阴险毒辣。每当他们从赤色分子手中夺过村子时,他们或者国民党军官马上召开群众大会宣布大赦。“共产党在这里实行的土地政策非常好,”国民党说,“我们不想加以改变。除了村长、民兵队长和本村的共产党头目外,普通群众概不追究。大家不必害怕。不过,你们当中有些人受了共产党宣传的骗做过错事,只要到村公所去,在悔过书上签个名,就什么事都没有了。” C HnclT  
  于是出逃的农民回来了。他们糊里糊涂地到了村公所,承认自己曾参加妇女会或民兵。 yi$CkG}  
  一些农民游击队员没有识破这个诡计上了圈套。妻子们说服自己的丈夫从山里躲藏的地方回来了。当差不多所有的农民积极分子都回到村里时,国民党便把他们统统抓起来当众处决。 =, XCjiBeC  
  Now it is a curious and important fact that when the civil war started and the 8th Route Army retreated and gave up nearly all the county to the Kuomintang, almost none of the people went with the Communists, but remained behind to welcome the Kuomintang. Not only did the majority of the farmers remain at home, but also many local cadres, the militiamen and the heads of the women's associations. From what the people in Anyang told me, they did not flee from the Kuomintang because they believed that the reforms the 8th Route Army introduced were merely the reforms that any Chinese government, taking over from the Japanese, would bring. Not wishing to be involved in any further war, they stayed at home. @pH2"k| @  
  But when the Kuomintang armies entered the villages, very often there entered with them the former bandits and landlords who had been puppets and sometimes robbers under the Japanese. These men soon became district heads while their bailiffs became village chiefs. Immediately they began a "Countersettlement" against the people of their own villages. They either did this directly or "put the finger" on certain men and women who were dealt with summarily by the army or the Special Service Section of the Kuomintang. It was this countersettlement that had fanned into being a people's war that was now raging with undiminished violence throughout the whole country. )fJ"Hq  
& SXw=;B  
  The landlords were cruelly subtle. On taking over villages from the Reds, either they or the Kuomintang officers would call a public meeting and declare a general amnesty. '#Wx@  
  "The Communist policy about the land here was very good," the Kuomintang would say. "We don't want to change anything. We can forgive everyone but the village chief, the head of the militia and the chief of the Communist party in this village. Nobody has anything to fear from us. However, some of you have been led astray by Communist propaganda. If you will just come to the village office and sign a repentance slip, everything will be all right." c=sV"r?  
  And the peasants came. Not knowing any better, they went to the village office and admitted they had joined the women's association or the militia. c>bns/f  
,_V V;P  
  Seeing nothing wrong in such actions, the gullible peasants fell into a trap. Wives persuaded their husbands to come back from hiding places in the hills. Then, when it seemed as if all the active peasants were once more in the folds of the village, the Kuomintang rounded up all the self-repenters and publicly executed them. C'#KTp4!1  
  地主比国民党更加残忍。他们经常是把那些参加过减租斗争的人活埋。如果找不到本人,便活埋他们的家属。有时,他们还把跟共产党毫无关系的妇女和儿童活活投到水渠、深坑或水井里,然后用土将他们埋掉。 <H-Nft>O  
  根据安阳县政府的统计,到我抵达时,在落到国民党手中的四百二十三个村子里,有四百名男女和儿童遭到活埋。 ^J^,@ Hf_  
|/,S NE  
  我无从核实这些数字。但是我有充分的理由相信,这不是言过其实的。在一个村子,当时我正在那里,人们从一个大坑里挖出二十四具尸体,其中有妇女和儿童。他们被活埋后,有一部分尸体被狗扒开吃掉了。我走过许多村子,见到了许多亲属被活埋的人。 x`6MAZ  
  我所看到的最惨的例子是在秦德沟。这是一个靠近无人地带的只有一百三十口人的村子。全村二十八户有二十四户家中都有人被一个叫李庆章的恶霸地主给活埋或枪杀了。 l b(  
  日本人从山区撤走时,李庆章和其他地主跟日本人一道逃跑了。村里人分了李家的土地。当国民党退回这个地区时,李庆章带着十五个武装人员回来了。就在他进村前,村里的男人都跑光了。 I%d=c0>%  
  李庆章见剩下的妇女和儿童都很害怕,就骗他们说:“不要怕,咱们都是一家人嘛。”但是,当天深夜村里人都熟睡的时候,他就带着打手把各家各户的人都拉出来,仅有四户幸免。他把十个人投到一个枯井里活埋。他又逼着另外十四个人躺在一条沟里,然后填土活埋。被活埋的人当中有一个刚两个月的婴儿,一个十岁的男孩和一个八十岁的老太太。 1l-5H7^w2?  
  More brutal than the Kuomintang were the landlords. Very often they buried alive men who had engaged in the struggle for reduction of rents. If they could not find these men, they buried their families. And sometimes they threw living women and children who had no connection at all with the Communists into ditches, pits and wells and covered them with earth. h&4s%:_4  
  According to the Anyang County government, up to the time my arrival, four hundred men, women and children had been killed and buried alive in the 423 villages that had fallen into Kuomintang hands. J v}  
  I have no way of checking these figures, but I have every reason to believe they are not exaggerated. In one village, while I was there, twenty four bodies, including women and children, were exhumed from a common pit where they had been buried alive and then been partially uncovered and eaten by dogs. In wandering from village to village, I came across numerous people whose relatives had been buried alive. F5?S8=i  
  The worst case of this kind that I saw was in Chintekou, a village of 130 people, on the edge of no man's land. Here, out of twenty-eight families, members from each of twenty-four families had been buried alive or shot by a landlord bandit, named Li Chin-tsang. 1I%u)[;>  
p%I)&- 8  
  When the Japanese evacuated the mountains, Li and the other landlords went with them. The people then got together and divided Li's land. When the Kuomintang returned to the region, Li came back with fifteen armed men. Just before his arrival, all the men in the village fled away. Nj9A-*0g6N  
  Seeing the remaining women and children were frightened, Li tried to calm them. "Don't be afraid," he said, "We are all from the same family." Late that night, however, when the village was asleep, Li and his men went around to all but four houses in the villages and took the people out. Ten people, he threw down a dry well and buried alive. Fourteen others, he forced to lie down in a ditch, then he covered them with earth. Among those buried were a two-month-old baby, a boy of ten and a woman of eighty. 0U=wGI O  
  这是我亲眼见到的最惨的例子,但这决不是绝无仅有的。在一个管辖十八个村的区里,地方干部告诉我说,国民党第四十军杀害了四十六个民兵和地方干部,其中七人被枪杀,三十五人被活埋,四人被吊死。 :jTSO d[r  
  我每到一个地方都听农民们亲自讲述许许多多这类事件。在讲述时,他们的声音很悲切,眼皮下垂、嘴唇紧咬,表现了极大的痛楚。我所听到的这类事件中,最凄惨的莫过于一个三十三岁妇女的遭遇。这位妇女嫁给府城附近东大洲村的一个农民。八路军进村前,她和丈夫靠耕种二亩地过着半饥半饱的生活,土改时,这对年轻夫妇分得了地。后来,女的当了村妇女会主任,男的参加了民兵,护村抗日。日本投降后,八路军游击队离开这个村子,这对夫妇留在村里。他们做梦也没有想到自己做了什么错事。 ~[CFs'`(2  
  当国民党进村时,逃亡地主也跟着还乡了。这个地主亲自跑去把这位妇女抓起来。她的丈夫当时就被带走枪决了。 H(y`[B,}*  
  地主把她交给国民党军队说:“她是八路。”“你就是共产党,”一个军官说,“你一定会唱歌。”接着,那个军官把她带到兵营里,强迫她唱歌。一连三天,她被迫从一个班到另一个班,唱的是能记得的童年时的歌。一些士兵糟蹋她,但也有些士兵见她哭泣而感到羞愧,就走开了。天黑时她被关起来,夜里被带去供国民党军官泄欲。第四天,她被送进监牢。他们不给她东西吃。她的叔父给她送饭。有一天,叔父看到饭留在牢房外边没动,才知道她已被杀害。他到处寻找,在附近的一座桥下找到了她和另三个人被肢解了的尸体。这位妇女仅仅因为相信妇女应当与男人平等便犯了死罪。在游击区这就被认为是共产主义。 #*h\U]=VS  
  这只是我从农民那里听到的许许多多事件中的一小部分。在那段恐怖时期中,许多人的父母、儿子、妻子被杀害。从此各个村便组织起来进行自卫。后来,我到国民党的防线后采访时,人们给我讲述一些更加凄惨的事件。人们一般不愿意勾起亲人被害的伤心事。我要费很大的劲儿才从他们那里打听到一些情况。不管怎样,有一点是清楚的—这些遭遇给人们深深打下阶级仇恨的烙印,这是他们一辈子也不能忘掉的。这是否说,当他们被共产党发动起来后他们自己就不杀人呢?我看不是这样。 9=j9vBV  
令人奇怪却又重要的事实是,当内战打响、八路军撤退并把安阳县几乎全部放弃给国民党时,当地几乎没有人跟共产党一起撤走,相反,他们却留下来欢迎国民党。不但大多数农民留下来了,而且许多当地干部、民兵和妇女会的领导人也留下来了。安阳人告诉我说,他们之所以没有逃避国民党,是因为他们相信八路军所推行的改革,不过是从日本人手中夺得政权的任何中国政府都要推行的改革而已。他们留在家里是为了避免卷入今后的任何一种战争。 qO{z{@jo55  
  但是,当国民党军队进村时,那些在日本统治时期当过汉奸和有时干过强盗勾当的土匪兼地主往往跟他们一起进村。这些人很快就当了区长。与此同时,他们的代理人当了村长。他们立即开始对本村的群众搞“反攻倒算”。他们或者亲自下毒手,或者检举某些男女而由国民党军队或特务机构立即处决。正是这种反攻倒算激起了目前这种势不可挡、席卷全国的人民战争。 eB0exPz%  
  地主十分阴险毒辣。每当他们从赤色分子手中夺过村子时,他们或者国民党军官马上召开群众大会宣布大赦。“共产党在这里实行的土地政策非常好,”国民党说,“我们不想加以改变。除了村长、民兵队长和本村的共产党头目外,普通群众概不追究。大家不必害怕。不过,你们当中有些人受了共产党宣传的骗做过错事,只要到村公所去,在悔过书上签个名,就什么事都没有了。” 217G[YE-  
xs= ~N  
  于是出逃的农民回来了。他们糊里糊涂地到了村公所,承认自己曾参加妇女会或民兵。 12 p`ZD=  
  一些农民游击队员没有识破这个诡计上了圈套。妻子们说服自己的丈夫从山里躲藏的地方回来了。当差不多所有的农民积极分子都回到村里时,国民党便把他们统统抓起来当众处决。 |))NjM'ZBl  
  Now it is a curious and important fact that when the civil war started and the 8th Route Army retreated and gave up nearly all the county to the Kuomintang, almost none of the people went with the Communists, but remained behind to welcome the Kuomintang. Not only did the majority of the farmers remain at home, but also many local cadres, the militiamen and the heads of the women's associations. From what the people in Anyang told me, they did not flee from the Kuomintang because they believed that the reforms the 8th Route Army introduced were merely the reforms that any Chinese government, taking over from the Japanese, would bring. Not wishing to be involved in any further war, they stayed at home. |~Dl<#58  
~& -h5=3  
  But when the Kuomintang armies entered the villages, very often there entered with them the former bandits and landlords who had been puppets and sometimes robbers under the Japanese. These men soon became district heads while their bailiffs became village chiefs. Immediately they began a "Countersettlement" against the people of their own villages. They either did this directly or "put the finger" on certain men and women who were dealt with summarily by the army or the Special Service Section of the Kuomintang. It was this countersettlement that had fanned into being a people's war that was now raging with undiminished violence throughout the whole country. '#6e Ub  
  The landlords were cruelly subtle. On taking over villages from the Reds, either they or the Kuomintang officers would call a public meeting and declare a general amnesty. ^s)`UZ<C=  
  "The Communist policy about the land here was very good," the Kuomintang would say. "We don't want to change anything. We can forgive everyone but the village chief, the head of the militia and the chief of the Communist party in this village. Nobody has anything to fear from us. However, some of you have been led astray by Communist propaganda. If you will just come to the village office and sign a repentance slip, everything will be all right." C m[}DB  
  And the peasants came. Not knowing any better, they went to the village office and admitted they had joined the women's association or the militia. bZ* = fdh  
g Wtc3  
  Seeing nothing wrong in such actions, the gullible peasants fell into a trap. Wives persuaded their husbands to come back from hiding places in the hills. Then, when it seemed as if all the active peasants were once more in the folds of the village, the Kuomintang rounded up all the self-repenters and publicly executed them. kjYM&q  
  地主比国民党更加残忍。他们经常是把那些参加过减租斗争的人活埋。如果找不到本人,便活埋他们的家属。有时,他们还把跟共产党毫无关系的妇女和儿童活活投到水渠、深坑或水井里,然后用土将他们埋掉。 _LJF:E5L  
  根据安阳县政府的统计,到我抵达时,在落到国民党手中的四百二十三个村子里,有四百名男女和儿童遭到活埋。 Sa g)}6+  
  我无从核实这些数字。但是我有充分的理由相信,这不是言过其实的。在一个村子,当时我正在那里,人们从一个大坑里挖出二十四具尸体,其中有妇女和儿童。他们被活埋后,有一部分尸体被狗扒开吃掉了。我走过许多村子,见到了许多亲属被活埋的人。 s#?ZwD,=  
  我所看到的最惨的例子是在秦德沟。这是一个靠近无人地带的只有一百三十口人的村子。全村二十八户有二十四户家中都有人被一个叫李庆章的恶霸地主给活埋或枪杀了。 zQ,rw[C"W  
  日本人从山区撤走时,李庆章和其他地主跟日本人一道逃跑了。村里人分了李家的土地。当国民党退回这个地区时,李庆章带着十五个武装人员回来了。就在他进村前,村里的男人都跑光了。 &y!?R$?b  
  李庆章见剩下的妇女和儿童都很害怕,就骗他们说:“不要怕,咱们都是一家人嘛。”但是,当天深夜村里人都熟睡的时候,他就带着打手把各家各户的人都拉出来,仅有四户幸免。他把十个人投到一个枯井里活埋。他又逼着另外十四个人躺在一条沟里,然后填土活埋。被活埋的人当中有一个刚两个月的婴儿,一个十岁的男孩和一个八十岁的老太太。 r!R-3LO0s  
  More brutal than the Kuomintang were the landlords. Very often they buried alive men who had engaged in the struggle for reduction of rents. If they could not find these men, they buried their families. And sometimes they threw living women and children who had no connection at all with the Communists into ditches, pits and wells and covered them with earth. &=lc]sk  
  According to the Anyang County government, up to the time my arrival, four hundred men, women and children had been killed and buried alive in the 423 villages that had fallen into Kuomintang hands. =:rg1wo"c  
  I have no way of checking these figures, but I have every reason to believe they are not exaggerated. In one village, while I was there, twenty four bodies, including women and children, were exhumed from a common pit where they had been buried alive and then been partially uncovered and eaten by dogs. In wandering from village to village, I came across numerous people whose relatives had been buried alive. y_m+&Oe  
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  The worst case of this kind that I saw was in Chintekou, a village of 130 people, on the edge of no man's land. Here, out of twenty-eight families, members from each of twenty-four families had been buried alive or shot by a landlord bandit, named Li Chin-tsang. kcfT|@:MK"  
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  When the Japanese evacuated the mountains, Li and the other landlords went with them. The people then got together and divided Li's land. When the Kuomintang returned to the region, Li came back with fifteen armed men. Just before his arrival, all the men in the village fled away. Mj@2=c  
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  Seeing the remaining women and children were frightened, Li tried to calm them. "Don't be afraid," he said, "We are all from the same family." Late that night, however, when the village was asleep, Li and his men went around to all but four houses in the villages and took the people out. Ten people, he threw down a dry well and buried alive. Fourteen others, he forced to lie down in a ditch, then he covered them with earth. Among those buried were a two-month-old baby, a boy of ten and a woman of eighty. P j   
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  这是我亲眼见到的最惨的例子,但这决不是绝无仅有的。在一个管辖十八个村的区里,地方干部告诉我说,国民党第四十军杀害了四十六个民兵和地方干部,其中七人被枪杀,三十五人被活埋,四人被吊死。 "3RFy i  
  我每到一个地方都听农民们亲自讲述许许多多这类事件。在讲述时,他们的声音很悲切,眼皮下垂、嘴唇紧咬,表现了极大的痛楚。我所听到的这类事件中,最凄惨的莫过于一个三十三岁妇女的遭遇。这位妇女嫁给府城附近东大洲村的一个农民。八路军进村前,她和丈夫靠耕种二亩地过着半饥半饱的生活,土改时,这对年轻夫妇分得了地。后来,女的当了村妇女会主任,男的参加了民兵,护村抗日。日本投降后,八路军游击队离开这个村子,这对夫妇留在村里。他们做梦也没有想到自己做了什么错事。 v@qP &4Sp  
  当国民党进村时,逃亡地主也跟着还乡了。这个地主亲自跑去把这位妇女抓起来。她的丈夫当时就被带走枪决了。 "BQnP9  
  地主把她交给国民党军队说:“她是八路。”“你就是共产党,”一个军官说,“你一定会唱歌。”接着,那个军官把她带到兵营里,强迫她唱歌。一连三天,她被迫从一个班到另一个班,唱的是能记得的童年时的歌。一些士兵糟蹋她,但也有些士兵见她哭泣而感到羞愧,就走开了。天黑时她被关起来,夜里被带去供国民党军官泄欲。第四天,她被送进监牢。他们不给她东西吃。她的叔父给她送饭。有一天,叔父看到饭留在牢房外边没动,才知道她已被杀害。他到处寻找,在附近的一座桥下找到了她和另三个人被肢解了的尸体。这位妇女仅仅因为相信妇女应当与男人平等便犯了死罪。在游击区这就被认为是共产主义。 |5 V0_79  
  这只是我从农民那里听到的许许多多事件中的一小部分。在那段恐怖时期中,许多人的父母、儿子、妻子被杀害。从此各个村便组织起来进行自卫。后来,我到国民党的防线后采访时,人们给我讲述一些更加凄惨的事件。人们一般不愿意勾起亲人被害的伤心事。我要费很大的劲儿才从他们那里打听到一些情况。不管怎样,有一点是清楚的—这些遭遇给人们深深打下阶级仇恨的烙印,这是他们一辈子也不能忘掉的。这是否说,当他们被共产党发动起来后他们自己就不杀人呢?我看不是这样。 }n^Rcz6HeO  
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http://www.chinashakestheworldbook.com/TextFrameset.htm E+]}KX:  
顶端 Posted: 2010-02-14 11:33 | 16 楼
华约外交部长委员会主席 苏共中央主席团委员 苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟外交部长
十月革命勋章 第一枚劳动红旗勋章 第二枚劳动红旗勋章 第三枚劳动红旗勋章 第一枚红星勋章 第二枚红星勋章 二级卫国战争勋章
级别: 中央理事

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发帖: 3406
爱心: 486 点
金钱: 32840 卢布
好评度: 0 点
国籍门派: 苏联


顶端 Posted: 2010-07-14 13:55 | 17 楼
级别: 贵宾/顾问/元老

精华: 0
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金钱: 140 卢布
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国籍门派: 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国


<向第三次世界大战中的勇士致敬>红旗下,怀着对党的赤诚,献身的热望,我们紧握枪,高举拳,立下钢铁的誓言:愿献出自己的一切,为共产主义的实现.冲锋枪向剥削者,倾吐无产阶级复仇的子弹,我们曾饮马顿河水,跨进乌克兰的草原,翻过乌拉尔的高原,将克里姆林宫的红星再次点燃. 这一切啊,都不曾使我们留恋因为我们都有钢枪在手,重任在肩. 听:五洲兄弟的呼声,如滚滚洪流怒浪滔天.看:四海奴隶的义旗,如星星之火正在燎原啊,世界一片红啊!只剩下白宫一点!这是最后的斗争,人类命运的决战就在今天!
顶端 Posted: 2011-03-02 13:45 | 18 楼
级别: 苏联武装力量少尉

精华: 0
发帖: 30
爱心: 4 点
金钱: 200 卢布
好评度: 0 点
国籍门派: 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国


引用第16楼红色铁拳于2010-02-14 11:33发表的  : z"4 q%DC  
5Cdn j  
所谓国民党正规军的德行 VukbvBWPN  
令人奇怪却又重要的事实是,当内战打响、八路军撤退并把安阳县几乎全部放弃给国民党时,当地几乎没有人跟共产党一起撤走,相反,他们却留下来欢迎国民党。不但大多数农民留下来了,而且许多当地干部、民兵和妇女会的领导人也留下来了。安阳人告诉我说,他们之所以没有逃避国民党,是因为他们相信八路军所推行的改革,不过是从日本人手中夺得政权的任何中国政府都要推行的改革而已。他们留在家里是为了避免卷入今后的任何一种战争。 &GLDoLk6[  
-_ 9k+AV  
顶端 Posted: 2011-06-12 16:24 | 19 楼
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