本页主题: 第十三次共产党和工人党国际会议最终声明 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

十月革命勋章 第一枚劳动红旗勋章
级别: 贵宾/顾问/元老

精华: 1
发帖: 1540
爱心: 1244 点
金钱: 5873 卢布
好评度: 0 点
国籍门派: 古巴共和国


翻译:弥赛亚的冲锋枪 q qvF-mDN  
校对:南天星斗 iLtc HpN  
最终声明 ,YB1 y)x  
e=>% ^F  
第十三次共产党和工人党国际会议于2011年12月9-11日在雅典召开,主题如下:  zy>}L #  
社会主义就是未来! (B}+h   
苏联反革命剧变后二十年的国际形势和共产主义者的经验。 j^ EbO3  
在资本主义危机、帝国主义战争、当前群众斗争和起义的情况下发展阶级斗争的任务; 1<,/-H  
争取工人阶级和人民的权利、增强无产阶级国际主义和反帝国主义阵线的任务; 28UVDG1?  
推翻资本主义制度和建设社会主义的任务。” >>7aw" 0  
>r}Vf9 5[N  
: Ss3ck*=  
    来自59个国家的78个政党参与了会议。一些因种种不可抗因素而未能成行的政党也送来了书面信息。我们在雅典,向不断壮大、正释放强大潜能反抗帝国主义、资本主义的剥削和压迫、争取全世界劳动者社会、劳动和社会安全权利的人民斗争致敬。 dG0VBE  
    会议召开于形势严峻之时,深刻且漫长的资本主义危机继续肆虐国际形势,同时帝国主义侵略性的不断升级也从为制定北约新战略而召开的里斯本峰会的决议中显露无疑。如今的形势印证了于2008年在巴西圣保罗召开的第10次会议、2009年在印度新德里召开的第11次会议、2010年在南非茨瓦内召开的第12次会议所述的分析。 3U;1D2"AE  
对于广大劳动人民来说,问题正逐渐明朗——当前的危机就是体制的危机。问题并非出自体制内部而是源于体制本身,正是此错误的体制制造出了规律性和周期性的危机。危机产生于生产的社会属性和私有的资本主义分配方式之间不断加深的矛盾,而不是源于什么体制的经营政策,也不是源于什么一些银行家和资本家的失常行为或是缺乏有效的管理机制。这场危机表明了资本主义的历史局限,以及对加强反垄断、反资本主义的斗争力度和革命推翻资本主义的需求。 PGX+p+wB  
    在美国、日本、欧盟和其他资本主义经济体中,各种版本的资产阶级经营困境正在上演。一方面,更加严格的政治路线导致了萧条的延长和加深;另一方面,扩张的政策给予垄断集团、金融资本、和银行大量的国家援助,进一步刺激了通货膨胀,并导致了公共债务的膨胀。资本主义将企业破产转变成了主权破产。面对危机,资本主义体制除了大规模破坏生产力和资源、大规模裁员、关闭工厂、全面侵害工人和工会权利、削减工资以外,一无所能。 |GuEGmR  
    反人民的敌对力量正在加强,这在某些地区已经以特别的激烈程度呈现出来。垄断资本的加强和集中正激化经济和政治力量的反动属性。资本主义重组和私有化正在不断推进,以增强竞争性和资本利润的最大化,以确保廉价的劳动力和以牺牲社会和劳动权利为代价回到数十年前的状态。 +tU Q  
    危机的加深、危机的全球同步以及其缓慢无力的恢复前景使得资产阶级力量处理危机更加困难,导致帝国主义之间的矛盾和对立的加深,同时增加了帝国主义战争爆发的危险。 M-Sv1ZLh  
    在很多国家,对民主权利和主权的侵害正变得越来越凶猛。政治体制变得更加反动。反共力量也正在加强。反对共产党和工人党发起的活动、反对工会、反对政治和民主自由的手段得到了归纳总结。统治阶级发展出了一套百变方法,通过政治体制内的改变,通过利用一系列支持帝国主义的非政府团体和其他一些组织,通过尝试将人民的不满导向所谓非政治运动甚至是带有反动色彩的运动,欺骗性地疏导人民的不满。 9@y3IiZ"}  
我们向在中东和北非诸如突尼斯和埃及为反抗反人民政权,为争取民主、社会和政治权利而进行广泛斗争和起义的人民和工人致敬。尽管当前的形势显现出了种种矛盾,它也带来了共产主义运动应该学习和运用的宝贵经验。同时我们严厉谴责北约和欧盟对利比亚人民发动的帝国主义战争,以及北约和欧盟对叙利亚、伊朗以及其他一些国家内部事务的干涉。我们认为无论在何种前提下针对伊朗的外国干涉都是对伊朗工人利益以及他们为争取民主自由、社会公正和社会权利所进行的斗争的侵害。 hSMV&Cs  
这些新形势确认了共产党和工人党为扮演好历史角色而增强实力的必要,进一步增强工人和人民为保卫自身权利和理想而进行的斗争的必要,利用好体制矛盾和帝国主义之间矛盾以推翻权力、经济体制的必要,满足人民需求的必要。如果失去了共产党和工人党以及先锋阶级工人阶级的领导作用,人民将极易被代表垄断、金融资本和帝国主义的政治力量迷惑、同化、控制。 ;_tO+xL&  
国际相关力量具有重大意义的重新组合正在进行中。美国的地位相对来说正在削弱,在最先进资本主义经济体和新兴全球经济力量尤其是中国中,出现了普遍的生产停滞。帝国主义中心之间和这些所谓新兴经济体之间的矛盾显现出了不断加深的倾向。 (h,Ws-O  
    帝国主义的侵略性正在增强。在一些地区,紧张局势和战争已经开始蔓延:在亚洲,在非洲,在中东的以色列侵略性(尤其针对巴勒斯坦人民)正在增强。同时我们也注意到了在欧洲兴起的新纳粹和排外力量,以及对拉丁美洲人民运动和进步政治力量的多方面干涉、威胁以及敌对。军事化也正在增强。区域全面冲突甚至更具爆发的危险。从这种意义上讲,壮大和增强反帝国主义社会和政治阵线以及以和平为目的而对帝国主义企图进行的斗争十分重要。 38Efp$)  
    发展的道路有两条: DsQ/aG9c%  
-    资本主义道路,剥削人民的道路,这条道路带来帝国主义战争的危险,危害工人和人民的民主权利; F,pCR7o>  
-    解放的道路,这条道路蕴藏着推进工人和人民利益的巨大可能性,实现社会公正、人民主权和和平进步的可能性。工人和人民的斗争道路、社会主义和共产主义道路,是历史的必然。 BX3lP v  
多亏共产主义者们和阶级导向的工会运动的决定性贡献,欧洲以及全世界的工人斗争得到了进一步加强。帝国主义的侵略性在中东、亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲遭到了坚决而广泛的抵制。这些情况加之到目前为止在拉美所积累的斗争经验,以及正在进行的斗争和运动进程都为人民进步、摧毁帝国主义、将推翻帝国主义暴行视为己任证明了反抗的可能性以及阶级斗争的可能性。 4f {+pf^R  
我们向工人和人民的斗争致敬,并注意到进一步加强斗争的需要。当前形势要求加紧阶级斗争、加紧意识形态、政治和群众斗争以阻止反人民措施的执行并扩大满足当今人民需求的斗争的成果;当前的形式也要求工人组织起来对垄断和帝国主义进行反攻,推翻资本主义体制并结束人对人的剥削。 ~L'nz quF  
如今,建立广泛的社会反垄断和反帝联盟的时机已经成熟,在如今的时机下已经可以击败来自多方面的帝国主义进攻和侵略,可以奋起为权力而斗争并推进深刻、激进、革命的变革。工人阶级的团结、工人运动的组织和阶级导向对于保证与农民、城市中产阶层、女权运动和青年运动结成的有效的社会联盟的建设来说是必不可少的因素。 LNiS`o\  
在斗争中,共产党和工人党在国家、地区和国际层面,以及在加强相互合作中的作用是不可或缺的。共产党、工人党、共产主义青年组织以及共产主义者有着重要贡献的反帝组织之间的团结协作组成了反帝斗争的壮大和反帝战线的巩固中最值得信赖的部分之一。 Zi{0-m6+  
    为了保卫并发展科学社会主义,击退当前的反共浪潮,对抗资产阶级的意识形态、反科学理论和拒绝阶级斗争的机会主义浪潮,为了与支持资本和帝国主义的战略、保护并制定反人民帝国主义政策的社会民主党力量斗争,共产主义运动的意识形态斗争具有重要意义。要理解为争取社会、民族和阶级解放以及为大跨步推进社会主义变革而进行的斗争中的团结职责属性,就需要共产主义运动的意识形态反攻。 ZqK]jT6V/X  
资本主义的瓦解和社会主义的建立组成了人民迫切的需求。鉴于资本主义危机及其后果,社会主义建设的国际经验和实践证明了社会主义的优越性。我们高度强调我们与为社会主义斗争并参与建设社会主义的人民之间的团结。 _tWE8 r,  
    只有在社会主义条件下,战争、失业、饥饿、贫困、文盲、成百上千万人民的不安和对环境的破坏才有可能得到根除。只有社会主义才能为根据工人当前的需求而进行的发展创造条件。 k ,fTW^?  
    劳动人民、农民、城市和乡村工人、妇女、青年,我们号召你们团结起来进行斗争以结束资本主义的暴行。我们拥有希望,也拥有前景。未来属于社会主义。 jBRPR R0  
    社会主义就是未来! q-IWRb0j%a  
                                           vGN3 YcH  
星斗望南天,望人人信仰中枢,胜棋在握; 波涛起东海,听处处流离遍地,惨象奚堪!
顶端 Posted: 2012-02-01 11:57 | [楼 主]
十月革命勋章 第一枚劳动红旗勋章
级别: 贵宾/顾问/元老

精华: 1
发帖: 1540
爱心: 1244 点
金钱: 5873 卢布
好评度: 0 点
国籍门派: 古巴共和国


原文 {-xi0D/Y;  
K7 t&fDI  
Final Statement @<@R=aqE  
The 13th International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties was held in Athens on 9-11 December 2011 with theme: 21[K[ %  
4 7)+'`  
The international situation and the experience of the communists 20 years after the counterrevolution in the USSR. The tasks for the development of the class struggle in conditions of capitalist crisis, imperialist wars, of the current popular struggles and uprisings, for working class-popular rights, the strengthening of proletarian internationalism and the anti-imperialist front, for the overthrow of capitalism and the construction of socialism”. `c qH}2s#  
The meeting was attended by representatives from 78 Parties from 59 countries. A number of parties that did not manage to take part for reasons beyond their control sent written messages. We salute from Athens the growing popular struggles releasing huge emancipatory potential against imperialism, against capitalist exploitation and oppression, and for the social, labour and social security rights of  workers’ all over the world. !SLP8|Cd  
The meeting was held in critical conditions in which the deep and prolonged capitalist crisis continues to prevail in the international situation, accompanied by the escalation of the aggressiveness of imperialism which is expressed in the decisions of the Lisbon Summit for the new NATO strategy. This reality confirms the analyses outlined in the statements of the 10th, 11th, 12th, International Meetings that took place in Brazil (Sao Paolo) in 2008, India (New Delhi) in 2009 and South Africa (Tshwane) in 2010. d-6sC@PB  
wQo6!H "K  
It becomes increasingly obvious for millions of working people that the crisis is a crisis of the system. It is not faults within the system but the system itself that is faulty, generating regular and periodic crises. It results from the sharpening of the main contradiction of capitalism between the social character of production and the private capitalist appropriation and not from any version of the management policy of the system or from any aberration based on the greed of some bankers or other capitalists or from the lack of effective regulatory mechanisms. It highlights the historical boundaries of capitalism and the need to strengthen the struggles for anti-monopoly anti-capitalist ruptures, the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism. #}[Sj-Vp  
In the USA, Japan, the EU, and in other capitalist economies the impasses of the various versions of the bourgeois management are being demonstrated. On the one hand the restrictive political line leads to a prolonged and deep recession; on the other, the expansionist political management, with large state support packages to the monopoly groups, finance capital, and the banks, intensifies inflation and leads to the swelling of the public debt. Capitalism converts corporate insolvencies into sovereign insolvencies. Capitalism has no other response to the crisis beyond the mass destruction of productive forces, resources, mass dismissals, factory closures, and the comprehensive attack on workers and trade union rights, on wages, pensions, social security, the reduction in people’s income, the huge increase in unemployment and poverty. x'E'jh%  
The anti-people offensive is strengthening which is manifested with particular intensity in certain regions. The concentration and centralization of monopoly capital is intensifying the reactionary character of economic and political power. Capitalist restructuring and privatisations are being promoted, aiming at competitiveness and maximisation of profit of capital, at ensuring a cheaper labour force and the regression of decades in terms of social and labour rights. 8]cv&d1f  
The intensity of the crisis, its global synchronisation, the prospect of the slow,  weak recovery intensify the difficulties of the bourgeois forces in managing the crisis, leading to the sharpening of the inter-imperialist contradictions and rivalries while the danger of imperialist wars is being strengthened. rd&*j^?  
The attacks on democratic rights and sovereignty are intensifying in many countries. Political systems become more reactionary. Anti-communism is being reinforced. There are generalised measures against the activity of the communist and workers’ parties, against the trade union, political and democratic freedoms The ruling classes develop a multi faceted attempt to trap the people’s discontent through changes in the political systems, through the utilisation of a series of pro-imperialist NGOs and other organizations, through attempts to channel the people’s discontent into movements with allegedly non-political or even with reactionary characteristics. nZ2mEt  
We salute the people’s and workers extensive struggles and uprisings, for democratic, social and political rights against the anti-people regimes in the Middle East and North Africa, namely in Tunisia and Egypt.  Despite the contradictions which the current situation manifests, it constitutes a significant experience that the communist movement should study and utilise. Simultaneously we strongly condemn the imperialist war of NATO and the EU against the Libyan people and the threats and interference in the internal affairs of Syria and Iran, as well as of any other country. We consider that every foreign intervention against Iran under whatever pretext attacks the interests of the Iranian workers and their struggles for democratic freedoms, social justice and social rights. ,\sR;=svK  
These developments confirm the necessity of strengthening the Communist and Workers’ Parties in order to play their historical role, to further strengthen the workers and people’s struggle in defence of their rights and aspirations, to utilise the contradictions of the system and the inter-imperialist contradictions for an overthrow at the level of power and economy, for the satisfaction of people’s needs. Without the leading role of the communist and workers parties and the vanguard class, the working class, the peoples will be vulnerable to confusion, assimilation and manipulation by the political forces that represent the monopolies, finance capital and imperialism. htUy2v#V  
]t. WJC %  
Significant realignments in the international correlation of forces are under way. There is the on-going relative weakening of the position of the USA, the general productive stagnation in the most advanced capitalist economies and the emergence of new global economic powers, notably  China. The tendency for the increase of contradictions is strengthening, between the imperialist centres, and of these with the so-called emerging economies. {#dp-5V  
Imperialist aggressiveness intensifies. There are already several regional points of tension and wars and they are multiplying: in Asia and Africa, in the Middle East with the increasing aggressiveness of Israel particularly against the Palestinian people. At the same time we note the rising of neo Nazi and xenophobic forces in Europe, the multifaceted interventions, threats and the offensive against the people’s movements and the progressive political forces in Latin America. Militarization is being reinforced. The risk for a general conflagration at a regional level becomes even greater. In this sense the expansion and strengthening of the anti-imperialist social and political front and the struggles for peace in the direction of eradicating the causes of imperialist wars are fundamental. ue6/EN;}  
vh1 Ma<cx  
There are two paths of development: rE1np^z7  
-       the capitalist path, the path of the exploitation of the peoples which creates great dangers for imperialist wars, for workers’, people’s democratic rights bm|Jb"T0b  
-       and the path of liberation with immense possibilities for the promotion of the interests of the workers and the peoples, for the achievement  of social justice, people’s sovereignty, peace and progress. The path of the workers’ and people’s struggles, the path of socialism and communism, which is historically necessary. "VT{1(]t  
! /|0:QQi  
Thanks to the decisive contribution of the communists and the class oriented trade-union movement the workers’ struggles in Europe and all over the world were further strengthened. Imperialist aggressiveness continues to meet resolute popular resistance in the Middle East, Asia, Africa and Latin America. This fact, along with experience accumulated so far especially in Latin America, the struggles and the processes that take place demonstrate the possibilities of resistance, of class struggle, in order for the peoples to make steps forward, to gain ground inflicting blows to imperialism when they have as their goal the overthrow of imperialist barbarity. Z/V`Z* fy  
We salute the workers’ and people’s struggles and note the need to further strengthen them. The conditions demand the intensification of the class struggle, of the ideological, political, mass struggle in order to impede the anti-people measures and promote goals of struggle that meet the contemporary people’s needs; demand an organized workers’ counterattack for anti-monopoly and anti-imperialist ruptures, for the overthrow of capitalism putting an end to the exploitation of man by man. TnvHO_P,  
Today the conditions are ripe for the construction of wide social anti-monopoly and anti-imperialist alliances, capable of defeating the multifaceted imperialist offensive and aggression and of fighting for power and promoting deep, radical, revolutionary changes. Working class unity, the organisation and the class orientation of the labour movement are fundamental factors in ensuring the construction of effective social alliances with the peasantry, the urban middle class strata, the women’s movement and youth movement. mJ6t.%'d  
In this struggle the role of the communist and workers’ parties at national, regional and international level and the strengthening of their cooperation are indispensable.  The joint coordinated activity of the Communist and Workers’ Parties, of the communist youth organizations and the anti-imperialist organizations in which the communists have an important contribution constitutes one of the most reliable elements for the expansion of the anti-imperialist struggle and the strengthening of the anti-imperialist front. 9[t]]  
N3XVT{ yo  
The ideological struggle of the communist movement is of vital importance in order to defend and develop scientific socialism, to repulse contemporary anti-communism, to confront bourgeois ideology, anti-scientific theories and opportunist currents which reject the class struggle; combat the role of social democratic forces that defend and implement anti-people and pro-imperialist policies by supporting the strategy of capital and imperialism. The understanding of the unified character of the duties of the struggle for social, national and class emancipation, for the distinct promotion of the socialist alternative requires the ideological counteroffensive of the communist movement. Sa h<sb=  
d vg;  
The overthrow of capitalism and the construction of socialism constitute an imperative need for the peoples. In view of the capitalist crisis and its consequences the international experiences and practice of the socialist construction prove the superiority of socialism. We underline our solidarity with the peoples who struggle for socialism and are involved in the construction of socialism. O+(. 29  
Only socialism can create the conditions for the eradication of wars, unemployment, hunger, misery, illiteracy, the uncertainty of hundreds of millions of people, the destruction of the environment. Only socialism creates the conditions for development according to the contemporary needs of the workers. GsP@ B'  
Working people, farmers, urban and rural workers, women, young people, we call on you to struggle together to put an end to this capitalist barbarity. There is hope, there is a prospect. The future belongs to socialism. @!L@UP0  
Athens, December 11, 2011
星斗望南天,望人人信仰中枢,胜棋在握; 波涛起东海,听处处流离遍地,惨象奚堪!
顶端 Posted: 2012-02-01 12:01 | 1 楼
十月革命勋章 第一枚劳动红旗勋章
级别: 贵宾/顾问/元老

精华: 1
发帖: 1540
爱心: 1244 点
金钱: 5873 卢布
好评度: 0 点
国籍门派: 古巴共和国


参加此次会议的政党 B!E<uVC  
星斗望南天,望人人信仰中枢,胜棋在握; 波涛起东海,听处处流离遍地,惨象奚堪!
顶端 Posted: 2012-02-01 12:04 | 2 楼
十月革命勋章 第一枚劳动红旗勋章 第二枚劳动红旗勋章 第一枚红星勋章 苏联武装力量中将
级别: 高级指挥员

精华: 0
发帖: 2344
爱心: 258 点
金钱: 4200 卢布
好评度: 0 点
国籍门派: 苏联


顶端 Posted: 2012-02-02 00:28 | 3 楼
十月革命勋章 第一枚劳动红旗勋章
级别: 贵宾/顾问/元老

精华: 1
发帖: 1540
爱心: 1244 点
金钱: 5873 卢布
好评度: 0 点
国籍门派: 古巴共和国


引用第3楼tomlion于2012-02-02 00:28发表的  : Ky~~Cd$  
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星斗望南天,望人人信仰中枢,胜棋在握; 波涛起东海,听处处流离遍地,惨象奚堪!
顶端 Posted: 2012-02-02 23:19 | 4 楼
十月革命勋章 第一枚劳动红旗勋章
级别: 贵宾/顾问/元老

精华: 1
发帖: 1540
爱心: 1244 点
金钱: 5873 卢布
好评度: 0 点
国籍门派: 古巴共和国


http://www.warsawto.net/bbs/read.php?tid=32431&fpage=0&toread=&page=1 BrmFwXLP"  
我对此表示严重质疑 求原文
[ 此帖被反抗的呼声在2012-03-11 14:46重新编辑 ]
星斗望南天,望人人信仰中枢,胜棋在握; 波涛起东海,听处处流离遍地,惨象奚堪!
顶端 Posted: 2012-03-11 14:34 | 5 楼
十月革命勋章 第一枚劳动红旗勋章
级别: 贵宾/顾问/元老

精华: 1
发帖: 1540
爱心: 1244 点
金钱: 5873 卢布
好评度: 0 点
国籍门派: 古巴共和国


历次会议明确支持古巴 却从未明确支持朝修 最多提一下反对美国入侵朝鲜半岛
星斗望南天,望人人信仰中枢,胜棋在握; 波涛起东海,听处处流离遍地,惨象奚堪!
顶端 Posted: 2012-03-11 14:45 | 6 楼
第一枚劳动红旗勋章 十月革命勋章
级别: 特级国家三等参事

精华: 1
发帖: 1180
爱心: 1000 点
金钱: 11864 卢布
好评度: 0 点
国籍门派: 古巴共和国


Me llamo Juan Castro Díaz
Viva China y España
顶端 Posted: 2012-04-18 02:58 | 7 楼
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