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本页主题: 2010年上海世博会斯洛伐克馆 打印 | 加为IE收藏 | 复制链接 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

级别: 二等参事

精华: 0
发帖: 156
爱心: 28 点
金钱: 1560 卢布
好评度: 0 点
国籍门派: 捷克斯洛伐克社会主义共和国


T .Pklty  
`q f\3JT\  
顶端 Posted: 2010-07-07 13:30 | [楼 主]
级别: 二等参事

精华: 0
发帖: 156
爱心: 28 点
金钱: 1560 卢布
好评度: 0 点
国籍门派: 捷克斯洛伐克社会主义共和国


 场馆主题:人类的世界 Y/<lWbj*A  
  国家馆日:9月4日 g>0XxjP4  
UV 4>N  
  展馆位置:C片区 JG[o"&Sd  
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  概况  YpAg  
  展馆以广场的视角展现城市的变迁。进入展馆,可以看到一段螺旋状的楼梯,象征着城市绵延的道路在广场交会。广场周围环绕着一堵墙,布满旧时记忆的片段,代表斯洛伐克城镇和建筑发展历史的重要坐标。几部影片讲述了由人们日常生活拼接而成的城市故事,见证城市永不停息的变化、运动和成长。 s&kQlQ=  
n6d9 \  
  亮点 XKA&XpF  
  弧形墙面 <:FP4e "(  
  断开的弧形墙面,代表着从过去向现在和未来的过渡;兼作投影屏幕,讲述着城市及其居民的故事。 )5j;KI%t  
  走进斯洛伐克的历史 j:T/iH!YF  
]?1Y e8>Y<  
  参观者可通过家具、器物、服装等展品了解斯洛伐克历史,还可以穿上古代的服装留影。 %=AxJp!a  
>Iewx Gb>  
  艺术表演 qW:)!z3\  
顶端 Posted: 2010-07-07 13:30 | 1 楼
级别: 二等参事

精华: 0
发帖: 156
爱心: 28 点
金钱: 1560 卢布
好评度: 0 点
国籍门派: 捷克斯洛伐克社会主义共和国


基本信息 02`$OTKz  
  国家: 斯洛伐克   参展主题:人类的世界   展馆类型:租赁馆   展馆面积:1000平米事件 .#u_#=g?  
事件 Md6]R-l@  
  确认参展时间: 2007年9月27日   签署合同时间:2008年7月11日   国家馆日:9月26日 UtB6V)YI  
[编辑本段]展馆亮点 OdWou|Gz  
  斯洛伐克国家馆主题为“人类的世界”(the world for humanity) l\AMl \  
(iJ1 ;x  
[编辑本段]相关信息 SVlua@]ChU  
  2007年9月27日,斯洛伐克确认参加中国2010年上海世博会。   2008年7月12日,2010年上海世博会中国政府总代表助理、上海世博会事务协调局国际参展部部长徐波在2008年西班牙萨拉戈萨世博会斯洛伐克展馆内与斯洛伐克展区总代表玛格特娃女士(Ivana Magatova)交换了斯洛伐克共和国参加中国2010年上海世博会的参展合同。   斯洛伐克馆的建筑面积为1000平方米。将以“人类的世界”(the world for humanity)为切入点来演绎上海世博会的主题。
顶端 Posted: 2010-07-07 13:31 | 2 楼
级别: 二等参事

精华: 0
发帖: 156
爱心: 28 点
金钱: 1560 卢布
好评度: 0 点
国籍门派: 捷克斯洛伐克社会主义共和国


世博会斯洛伐克馆举行“选美比赛” +jg9$e"  
lP Lz@Up~  
顶端 Posted: 2010-07-07 13:32 | 3 楼
级别: 二等参事

精华: 0
发帖: 156
爱心: 28 点
金钱: 1560 卢布
好评度: 0 点
国籍门派: 捷克斯洛伐克社会主义共和国


世博会斯洛伐克馆暨斯洛伐克旅游推介会举行 JKer//ng4  
2010-04-30 14:26:00 来源: 人民网(北京) 跟贴 0 条 手机看新闻   人民网北京4月30日 (记者王南)世博会斯洛伐克馆暨斯洛伐克旅游推介会推介会昨晚在此间举行。斯洛伐克驻华大使德霍波切克·弗兰季谢克出席了推介会,并发表致词。斯洛伐克旅游局官员主持了推介会。出席推介会的还有斯洛伐克旅游局中国总经理冰雪玉女士,中方部分旅行社、旅游公司的代表,以及媒体记者等共计30余人出席了推介会。 !R*-R.%  
j1SMeDDM ~  
  在推介会上,斯方人员介绍说,地处欧洲中部的斯洛伐克不仅一个山川秀美,风光旖旎,在旅游方面堪称“国小魅力大”。 斯洛伐克还是世界上城堡数量最多的国家之一,从古城堡遗迹到保存完好的博物馆收集品一应俱有,全国有大约180处登记受保护的城堡和遗迹,还有大约1200处庄园房屋和高楼。多数城堡都伴随着有趣的传说和神话。例如,特伦钦城堡就有一段斯洛伐克传奇的爱情故事。 J--m[X  
  推介会上还播放了一部反映上海世博会斯洛伐克馆主题内容的短片。这一主题是“世界以人为本”。 当参观者步入斯洛伐克展厅时首先映入他们视野的是一个大的广场。这是一种最简约化的风格。螺旋是此次展览的中心,很有特点,这个建筑元素你可以在任何一个国家看到,也包括在斯洛伐克。在斯洛伐克馆内,有一个许愿魔力喷泉。每个到访的参观者都可以在这个许愿喷泉前许下美好的愿望并让喷泉仙子告诉他的未来。 J7C4V'_  
  与会者还在推介会上就中斯两国在旅游方面的合作,以及上海世博会等情况进行了交流和探讨。 (本文来源:人民网 )  
顶端 Posted: 2010-07-07 13:32 | 4 楼
级别: 二等参事

精华: 0
发帖: 156
爱心: 28 点
金钱: 1560 卢布
好评度: 0 点
国籍门派: 捷克斯洛伐克社会主义共和国


Slovakia in a nutshell t}v2$<!I  
The theme of the World exhibition EXPO Shanghai 2010 “Better City, Better Life” and the theme of the exposition of the Slovak Republic “World for Humanity” have become a challenge for the authors of the exhibition of Slovakia, a country from the heart of Europe, the challenge for searching for the synergy of both themes. The answer is a city in a continual motion – the city which changes, develops, grows, which is a place where micro stories of its citizens are set in, where history steps into. Slovak towns have hundreds of years old traditions, they were granted royal privileges in the past as to enable them to develop, and they adopted all innovations from the world to be open to trade and cooperation. Although when compared with other world cities, Slovak towns belong to smaller sized ones, but they have their valuable experience which can be shared with others. e*+F pW@  
The centrepoint of the whole design is a letter ?S“ which represents the symbol of Slovakia. Never-ending spiral emerging from this letter emblematizes the dynamics of the city life, stratification of its structures and cultures and in the wider context also the spiral of life. The logo motif depicted in dark colours represents the profundity, source and roots, and brighter colours towards the spiral edges symbolise optimism in the view heading to the future. The continuity of colour fading-over and the logo shape resemble the yin and yang symbols thus reflecting the venue of world exhibition – China and the philosophy of dynamic, passing and eternal TAO principle. Q]rD}Ckv-  
A visitor after entering into the pavilion of the Slovak Republic (with the total area of more than 1 034 m2), appears to be on a symbolic main plaza where all streets of our cities and towns run into. It is a characteristic, architectural and city-creating element so typical for all European cities. This symbolic plaza is edged by a wall with fragments of historical sights illustrating the historic milestones in the development of Slovak towns and their architecture. \4"S7.% |  
Any visitor can enter into the dwelling of a rich Levoca merchant and the town of Levoca was once the most important and wealthiest royal towns (it had special privileges). Wood carver Master Paul of Levoca created the highest gothic altar in the world there which attracts worshippers and tourists from the whole world leaving them astonished by its extraordinary beauty. {;2vmx9  
The name of Ludevit Stur is for Slovak people very significant: he was the first politician, journalist and member of the Diet of the Kingdom of Hungary, but also the author of the standards leading to contemporary Slovak literary language. He played a key role in 19th century, during the process of national awareness. Visitors can look into his room in which he lived and created during his mission in Pressburg, today’s capital of Slovakia, Bratislava. BmHwu{n'  
h^ -. ]Y  
Another part of exposition depicts more current history, emphasizing the link between Slovakia and Shanghai – through the person of the architect Ladislav Hudec, the author of the Grand Theatre and other significant buildings in the venue of the world exhibition. Ladislav Hudec was a globe-trotter during his life in 20th century, but he wanted to rest in Slovakia, in his place of birth, at home… MNH1D! }  
Slovakia is not affluent in history but it also abounds in natural beauties, caves, mineral waters, and it can present current values, development potential, educated population, industry – all of these is depicted on a large screen in a documentary film made by Pavol Baraba?, Slovak documentary director whose films got more than 190 awards in Slovakia and abroad. This film will be simultaneously projected from four points, can be watched in horizontal and vertical line – always resulting into one compact impression. jBaB@LO9G  
The Slovak Republic has prepared its National Day on September 4th of this year and it will, being attended by the head of the state, the president Ivan Ga?parovi?, present cultural programme which is designed as a greeting to all spectators without the differences in culture, origin and language. Out of the pleiad of Slovak performers we can mention one, a young, excellent and well-known Dalibor Karvay who will represent Slovakia in the programme of the European Union. Slovakia became its member in May 2004. 2F%W8Y 3  
Organizers also prepared many investment seminars and business missions, programmes for tour operators, various presentations, a week of Slovak cuisine, wine tasting – a variety of accompanying activities which have just one goal: to create a compact picture about Slovakia and its people. /-6S{hl9Ne  
Slovak Republic has long and rich exhibitory traditions which date back before the joint state of Czechs and Slovaks being established in the year 1918. Slovak Republic, after peaceful split of this joint state in 1992, has been participating in world exhibitions as an independent state. Slovakia presents its potential, natural, cultural and civilizing values, art, urban and rural culture, wisdom and skills of its people, their creativity and ideas. j CTAKaq  
Ivana Magatova, one of not many female Commissioner General of Section believes that the Slovak Republic will at the exhibition Expo Shanghai 2010 strengthen its sear, reinforces its cultural, diplomatic and economic relations and remains in the minds of many visitors who are cordially welcomed at our Slovak pavilion.
顶端 Posted: 2010-07-07 13:33 | 5 楼
十月革命勋章 第一枚劳动红旗勋章 第二枚劳动红旗勋章 第三枚劳动红旗勋章 第一枚红星勋章 第二枚红星勋章
级别: 特级国家一等参事

精华: 0
发帖: 3272
爱心: 346 点
金钱: 32698 卢布
好评度: 0 点
国籍门派: 罗马尼亚社会主义共和国


顶端 Posted: 2010-07-07 17:13 | 6 楼
级别: 二等参事

精华: 0
发帖: 156
爱心: 28 点
金钱: 1560 卢布
好评度: 0 点
国籍门派: 捷克斯洛伐克社会主义共和国


顶端 Posted: 2010-07-07 17:15 | 7 楼
第一枚劳动红旗勋章 十月革命勋章
级别: 特级国家三等参事

精华: 1
发帖: 1844
爱心: 1098 点
金钱: 18475 卢布
好评度: 0 点
国籍门派: 捷克斯洛伐克社会主义共和国


月底准备去世博 可能会去看看(热门场馆太难进了)
顶端 Posted: 2010-07-07 22:37 | 8 楼
捷共中央主席团委员 捷克斯洛伐克社会主义共和国国防部长
近卫军证章 十月革命勋章 第一枚劳动红旗勋章 第二枚劳动红旗勋章 第三枚劳动红旗勋章 第一枚三级波格丹·赫梅利尼茨基勋章 第二枚三级波格丹·赫梅利尼茨基勋章 第一枚二级波格丹·赫梅利尼茨基勋章 第一枚红旗勋章 捷克斯洛伐克人民军大将
级别: 贵宾/顾问/元老

精华: 4
发帖: 6327
爱心: 3631 点
金钱: 476562 卢布
好评度: 2 点
国籍门派: 捷克斯洛伐克社会主义共和国



顶端 Posted: 2010-07-07 23:02 | 9 楼
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